PET TESTIMONIAL from Joanne, a Year 5 Shafaw Healing Student

Joanne, along with her husband, David, also a Year 5 Shafaw Healing Student, recently opened their own ‘HealingCenter’ inGreen Valley,Arizona. Part of their  HealingCenteris dedicated to Shafaw Healing.

Joanne called May 22nd, 2012 with great news of how well one of her Shafaw Healees was doing. Her healee came in and personally thanked her, bringing in her lab test results (blood works and the results of the meeting she had with her doctor).

Four weeks after she was diagnosed with Leukemia; she started to have sessions with Joanne. After Eight (8) Shafaw Healing sessions and one round of chemo, all her blood works came back within normal range with “no signs of leukemia”.

This happy lady sent a nice postcard in Gratitude to Master Danadoost acknowledging Joanne’s Shafaw journey:

Hi Master Danadoost

I am a client of Joanne’s. I know she has discussed my journey with you.  I just wanted to take some time and say, Thank you!

I would like to thank you for the journey that you experienced, for the fact that you were able to take your healing to the next level.  You were able not only to heal,  but then found the path way that allowed you to share the healing with others, like myself.  I will be ever appreciative of you, and Joanne.  Because of you, Shafaw Healing was there for me to receive.  Words cannot express the love and gratefulness I have for you.

Thank you for your courage and perseverance to face the disease.  Thank you for your love and compassion to share with others.  I am so grateful for Joanne.  However, I know that without you, Joanne would not have had the specific knowledge to share this kind of healing with me.  Thank you! Thank you, for now I will be able to continue my path.  I hope to be able to share God’s love just as you have. There is great love & appreciation for you!

Diane L.
June 2012

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