Appointments with Grand Master Healer Danadoost
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Healing Sessions Defined : Hands On and/or Distant
“Every aspect of healing work is in resonance with the One.“
~ Master Healer Danadoost
Shafaw Sanctuary of Healing Lights is a 501.C3 Religion of Light.
As such, we gladly accept your donations. Your donations allow us to do our work of helping people heal. Your donations make our work possible. Thank you.
Shafaw Healing Sessions are with Grand Master Healer Danadoost or another trained Healer
Healing comes in many forms.
Shafaw Energetic Healing CAN materialize or DISSOLVE matter.
A Shafaw Healer can make the energy just appear where Healing is necessary.
Shafaw Has been very successful in healing Mental, Physical, Emotional Conditions in the past TWENTY FIVE YEARS. You, too, can experience this miraculous Healing matter from the comfort of your Home regardless of where you are. If you would like to experience this kind of healing or have an issue you are working on healing, give us a call at 415-892-1479 to make Shafaw Healing appointments.